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92 record(s)


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  • This data was collected to primarily provide preliminary information on the diets of ten pelagic fish species common to the Northern Prawn Fishery, specifically to investigate any effects of prawn predation by pelagic fish. After the project was initiated the scope of the study was broadened to investigate the age, growth (by otoliths) and reproductive dynamics (by GSI and histology) of these species. Tissue samples from at about 100 specimens representing each species were also taken and stored in DMSO solution and is available for any researcher wishing to undertake a genetic stock structure study. This study was solely funded by CMR as a pilot study. As a result of limited funds, fish specimens were collected opportunistically from recreational fisher donations, commercial catches and from bycatch samples from scientific cruises. As a result, the capture location of the majority of specimens does not have a lat/long, and is generally only identified by the general area of capture (i.e. 'Weipa' or 'Gladstone'). The method of capture was recorded to the best of our knowledge (i.e. hook and line, gillnet etc), although actual gear specifications and shot information were generally not available.

  • Characteristics of traditional dugong and green turtle fisheries in Torres Strait: opportunities for management. This data forms part of a PhD thesis which aimed to inform the development of management arrangements for the traditional dugong and green turtle fisheries in Torres Strait, and to provide an overall context for management at different special scales and investigating opportunities and challenges associated with co-management, particularly community-based monitoring.

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    This project was developed for the Ningaloo Research Program (NRP) to explore the effects of managing recreational fishing, which is perhaps the most important extractive activities in the Ningaloo Marine Park. The project used simulation techniques known as Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to explore the consequences of a range of management actions, under a series of alternative future scenarios on the management of a major target species on Ningaloo Reef, spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus). The results of the scenarios are examined against the objectives set out by management and other stakeholders in the park. A simulation model, known as ELFSim, was used. ELFSim is a decision support software system designed to evaluate options for conservation and harvest management, and includes a number of key components: a population dynamics model of target species that captures the full life history (including larval dispersal, reproduction, development, and habits) of the target species, a model of fishing dynamics that captures the exploitation pattern due to fishing behaviour, a management model that simulates the implementation of management actions. ELFSim was developed for other coral reef fisheries where commercial fishing was the primary fishing activity, and in this sought to develop a simulation model of recreational fishing dynamics. This model was agent-based, meaning that individual recreational fishing boats were represented in the model, and a range of management measures were tested on the ability to manage these virtual recreational fishers. These management measures, derived from stakeholder workshops include the effect of increasing the no-take sanctuary zones, and restricting the fishing in sanctuary zones that occurs from shore. The effectiveness of these management actions in the simulation model was measured against the management objectives of the stakeholders. Management objectives were classified according to ecological (conservation) objectives, or social and economic objectives. The results showed that the current management arrangement perform adequately against the range of ecological and social objectives. However, for other management actions, the results showed the inherent trade-off that exists between the ecological objective and the social objectives. For example, restricting fishing in sanctuaries from shore did well to achieve the conservation objectives, but did not achieve the social objectives as well as other management strategies. Imposing catch restrictions, increasing compliance monitoring and implementing an education program to reduce infringement also performed well against both social and ecological objectives, but consideration of effectiveness, and cost are uncertainties that our analysis did not consider. Such factors are likely to be extremely important and weighed in any realistic implementation of these management actions. Under the alternative scenarios the management strategy that was most likely to achieve the objectives was the hypothetical "Catch Limit" . The management strategy that allowed effort to increase was best at achieving the social objective of maximizing catches, including the catch of large fish. Although the simulations indicated that the "Catch Limit" strategy as an effective strategy for future alternative scenarios, in practice a combination of strategies limiting effort, or something else quite novel and resource intensive (like pink snapper tags in Freycinet Estuary in Shark Bay, WA for implementing a recreational Catch Limit), may need to be used for indirectly limiting the overall level of catch of spangled emperor from this sector. Of course such a strategy is also species specific and does not limit potential sustainability risks for other species. It is for this reason that DoFWA uses spangled emperor as an indicator species for the suite of demersal scalefish species in the Gascoyne Bioregion.

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    This is a historical data set containing a recored of all types of fish caught in the Pilbara region of the Australian Northwest shelf since the 1960's. The data was source from both domestic and foreign fishers. It was transcribed from the fishers paper logbooks and contains catch (type, weight, date, location) and effort (number of boat days).

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    The Ningaloo Marine Park (State Waters) Plan 1989 was designated A class in 1990. A review of the Management Plan began in 2000; this resulted in a revised Management Plan being approved by the Minister in January 2005. Changes in the current Management Plan include extending the Marine Park southwards to incorporate the full extent of the reef, increasing the number and extent of Sanctuary Zones, introducing Special Purpose Benthic Protection and shore-based line fishing zones. The purpose of this project is to assess the effectiveness of 1989 Management Plan and also provide what will become the first data point in a long-term data set. These data will become an integral part of several sections of the NRP, evaluating the effectiveness of zoning for biodiversity conservation, assessing the implications of zoning for fish populations and for fishing outside sanctuary zones. The surveys will provide data not only for newly established zones, but also for those zones already established within the park under previous zoning provisions. Where possible the survey will build on existing data sets, though these are limited in scope and spatial extent. Objectives For fish taxa targeted by anglers (e.g. labridae, lethrinidae, lutjanidae, serranidae, carangidae): - Measure the distribution, abundance and size-structure of key fish populations at Ningaloo - Provide data that will allow a quantitative comparison of these parameters to be made across Ningaloo Marine Park zones (pre-2005 sanctuary zones, new sanctuary zones, benthic protection zones, recreational zones and general use zones). - Provide data that will form the basis for being able to: - Measure the rate and magnitude of any changes in fish population size or structure related to changes in marine park zoning - Determine how responses of fish populations may vary with respect to factors such as size of reserve, type of reserve, distance from boundary and fish life-history - Parameterize and test spatially-explicit models of fish populations.

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    Logbook and observer data were obtained from state agencies WA Fisheries, NT DBIRD, QDPI, Logbook and observer data for fisheries in commonwealth waters were collected from AFMA and CMR - Hobart. Visits were also made to Museums to gather catch records and measure and photograph sawfish remains. This dataset is the result of a desktop study carried out by J. Giles whilst based at Cleveland. The spatial and biological catch data on sawfish was obtained from as many sources as possible in northern Australia; including commercial fisheries, research and recreational sectors and historical data sets. This also includes morphometric data on sawfish and rostra held in public and private collections.

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    This dataset describes data collected from 5/11/96 to 5/10/98 in the Huon Estuary, Tasmania at weekly or fortnightly time frames depending on algal bloom conditions. Data were collected at five of the biological station from the Huon Estuary Spatial Surveys (see separate MarLIN entry). The five stations were located at Hideaway, Kilalla, and Wheatley's Bays, Brabazon Park and Port Cygnet. At each sampling station a CTD was deployed and three niskin bottle samples were taken, one at each of the surface, middle and bottom water layers. Bottle samples have been analysed for salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrient and pigments. An integrated water sample (for algal presence data) and a phytoplankton net sample were also taken. During algal blooms spectral absorption was analysed and algal counts were calculated.

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    This dataset describes data from sediment samples collected from the Huon Estuary (Tasmania). Samples were collected over two days during May 1997. Data was collected from 41 sites, from the northern end of Egg Island in the upper estuary to the southern seaward end of the estuary near Huon Island. Most sites were a subset from the Huon Estuary Study spatial surveys (refer the separate metadata record for more information). Samples were analysed for organic compounds and algal cyst populations. This dataset forms part of the CSIRO Marine Research Huon Estuary study, conducted over the period 1996-1998.

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    This dataset describes data collected from the Huon Estuary (Tasmania). Data was collected over a four day period during August/September 1998. Data was collected from 14 sites, ranging from 0 salinity at Judbury to a salinity of 35 at the seaward end of the estuary near Huon Island. Sites were selected to as possible sources of contaminants. Most sites were a subset from the Huon Estuary Study spatial surveys (refer to separate metadata record). Water samples were collected during the first three days. These samples were collected for salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, trace metals, pesticides, pigments, spectral absorbance and phytoplankton. Sediment samples were collected during the last day. These samples were collected for organic tracers, pesticides, mercury and phytoplankton cysts. (Refer to the SED1 metadata record for more sediment information from the Huon Project.) This dataset forms part of the CSIRO Marine Research Huon Estuary study, conducted over the period 1996-1998.

  • This study trialled community-based catch-monitoring strategies for dugongs and green turtles in two communities (Hammond and Thursday Islands) in the Kaiwalagal region (inner islands) of Torres Strait. Hunters completed datasheets after each hunting trip and these were collected weekly by Indigenous catch-monitors employed on the project. The catch-monitoring program was evaluated in terms of the reliability of the informaition collected and the suitability of the method to the communities. The information collected included biological information about the composition of the catch (e.g. sex ratio, size distribution, reproductive status), selectivity of the green turtle catch, catch-effort, catch-gear and the uses for which dugongs and turtles were hunted. The participating communities can use the information in future management of dugongs and green turtles in their communities.